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Mighty McGee Super Hero Capes & Masks

18 February, 2015

Many of you may know that our family spent the beginning of the year 2015 in the hospital. Our littlest one, Cillian, was diagnosed with Osteomyelitis and also a septic arthritic elbow. After xrays, ultrasounds, an MRI, an aspirated elbow, an operation called a 'wash out', a fracture of the humerus, pins and a cast on one arm and a picc line in the other, we were discharged after a week. He is now being treated with 6 weeks of antibiotics that started out via IV and are now done orally, and therefore much more manageable. We have amazing, generous family and friends who've really helped us all pull through. Just the amount of positive, healing, loving thoughts, alone, that have been sent Cillian's way is jaw dropping. We are grateful. We are very lucky.

Maimonides Hospital, where Cillian was admitted to, was fantastic. The Pediatric ER, the Pediatric floor, the nurses and doctors and Child Life Department were all kind and gentle to our boy- and us. And the kids there- they're braver than most grown ups we know! Once we were discharged and had a moment to reflect, we knew we wanted to try to give back to them. So we are donating a dozen capes with masks to the Pediatric and Pediatric Oncology floors at Maimonides Hospital.

We have been making capes and masks for about 9 months now, but mostly for kids we know and think are amazing. Kids like our 4 year old friend, Kiki, who is battling Leukemia and is without a doubt OUR super hero. And she's got brave brothers who will help her any way they can. You can read her story here:

We are using a one-for-one model, so every time you order YOUR cape we are donating a cape and mask set to a super hero sitting in a hospital bed.

Check out the Mighty McGee capes and masks here:

* * We are always on the lookout for amazing childrens hospitals and organizations to donate to. If you think you know of a special place or a special super hero, PLEASE email us here to give us a heads up: * *